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Stay In The Know:

Your boss really cannot read your Whatsapp messages due to ECtHR ruling

This is why the world needs lawyers.

No offence intended, but often when lay people get their hands on the law (more often than not through the media, who distort it) they misunderstand, misinterpret or misrepresent it. Then they freak out, or freak other people out. This ends up with ranty statuses which contain many untruths (albeit usually unintentionally untrue). I am by no means saying that I am always right (I'm not, and I'm not even a lawyer), but I just wish people would either make sure they have their facts straight, or don't act like they have.

Having said that, I love debating the law with anyone and everyone, so by all means, read up on something and then argue with me about it!


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